Micro Nutrient Fertilizer
- Soil Fertility has a dramatic impact profit on the equation because the lack of fertility limits production.
- The supply of micro nutrients to the plants has become need for the hour to achieve maximum productivity
- If any of the required micro nutrients are in short supply, the crop fails to fully utilize the major nutrient fertilizers due to lack of balanced nutrient.
- Ensures qulitative improvements in the plant, reduces flower and fruit dorp, improves disease resistivity, and increases crop yields.
- Prevents and corrects trace element deficiency
- Amino acid chelated (Organic chelation) Micro nutrient Mixture specially blended for cash Crops like Citrus, Cotton chillis,Vegetables and field and horticultural crops.
- Dosage : 1 to 1.5 gm NUplex Suphal 789 per 1 ltr of Water