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1. Nuplex Parex Power is a liquid Micro nutrient fertilizers, and a variety of bio-stimulants contains zinc, iron, manganese, copper, molybdenum, boron and carbohydrates, biological fertilizers, seaweed, humic etc.   

2. Nuplex Parex Power plays a prominent role in stimulating the physical and biochemical activities of plants, regulating metabolism, and achieving high-quality yields.

3. Nuplex Parex Power formulated with chelation method, nutrients are quickly absorbed by plants.

4. Nuplex Parex Power quickly corrects micro nutrient deficiencies and provides adequate amounts of required nutrients throughout the cropping period.                                                                                                                                                            Nuplex Parex Power helps to produce more flowers and fruits, increases fruit firmness and increases shelf life of fruits.

5. Nuplex Parex Power contributes to the production of hormones necessary for crop growth making sugars and carbohydrates and supplying them to all parts of the body to produce a high number of branches and flowers.

           Crops: Paddy, Citrus, Cotton, Chilli, Vegetables, Various Field and Horticultural Crops and All Kinds of Crops.

Dosage: ​

Nuplex Parex Power can be foliar sprayed and also given to the crop by drip. Use 2.5 ml of Foliar Spray mixed with 1 liter of water, and also apply through drip irrigation at a rate of 1 liter per acre. 

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1. Nuplex Suphal Power is a blend of micro nutrients. It contains zinc, iron, manganese, molybdenum, boron, copper along with magnesium and sulphur, it can be used in all types of crops and can be used in combination with all types of fertilizers .

2. Nuplex Suphal Power dissolves in the soil moisture and releases zinc, iron, manganese. magnesium and sulfur and provides it to the root system according to the needs of the crop.

3.Nuplex Suphal Power promotes a healthier root system and higher yields. Increases the number of leaves, branches and flowers Nuplex Suphal Power keeps metabolism running smoothly by stimulating enzymes and making hormones. 

4. Nuplex Suphal Power increases the crop yield, corrects the micro nutrients deficiencies and ensures better nutrient balance and qualitative improvements in the plants, reduces flower and fruit drop, improves disease resistivity and increases crop yields.

5. Nuplex Suphal Power advised to broad cast uniformly over land in single or along with any fertilizers. 

                   Crops: Paddy, Citrus, Cotton, Chilli, Vegetables, Various Field and Horticultural Crops and All Kinds of Crops.

Dosage: ​

It can also be applied through drip broadcasting and mixed with other fertilizers at a rate of 5 kg per acre.Crops.

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1. Nuplex Booster is a blend of micro nutrients. It contains zinc, iron, manganese, molybdenum, boron, copper, along with magnesium and sulphur, it can be used in all types of crops and can be used in combination with all types of fertilizers.

2. Nuplex Booster dissolves in the soil moisture and releases zinc, iron, manganese, magnesium and sulfur and provides it to the root system according to the needs of the crop.

3. Nuplex Booster promotes a healthier root system and higher yields. Increases the number of leaves, branches and flowers.

4.  The presence of magnesium in Nuplex Booster plays an important role in leafy green production, assisting in photosynthesis, increasing leaf greenness, starch and protein production.

5. Nuplex Booster increases the crop yield, corrects the micro nutrients deficiencies and ensures better nutrient balance and qualtative improvements in the plants, reduces flower and fruit drop, improve disease resistivity and increases crop yields. 

                        Crops: Paddy, Citrus, Cotton, Chilli, Vegetables, Various Field and Horticultural Crops and All Kinds of Crops.  

Dosage: ​

Applied as a foliar spray at a rate of 5 grams per 1 liter of water, or broadcasted at 10 kilograms per acre. It can also be mixed with other fertilizers at a rate of 10 kilograms per acre.

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1.Nuplex Suphal 6 is a liquid Micro nutrient fertilizers, It contains zinc, iron, manganese & boron.      

2.Nuplex Suphal 6 plays a prominent role in stimulating the physical and biochemical activities of plants, regulating metabolism, and achieving high-quality yields.

3. Nuplex Suphal 6 quickly corrects micronutrient deficiencies and provides adequate amounts of required nutrients throughout the cropping period. 

4. Nuplex Suphal 6 contributes to the production of hormones necessary for crop growth, making sugars and carbohydrates and supplying them to all parts of the plant to produce a high number of branches and flowers

5. Nuplex Suphal 6 Enhances plant immunity and improves color, flavor, and shelf life of fruits.

                          Crops: Paddy, Citrus, Cotton, Chilli, Vegetables, Various Field and Horticultural Crops and All Kinds of Crops.


Apply 2.5 ml per 1 liter of water through foliar spray, and 1 liter per acre through drip irrigation.

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1.Nuplex Max is a blend of micro nutrients. It contains zinc, iron, manganese, molybdenum, boron, copper, along with magnesium and sulphur, it can be used in all types of crops and can be used in combination with all types of fertilizers.  

2.Nuplex Max quickly corrects micro nutrient deficiencies and supplies the entire crop with adequate amounts of required nutrients.

3. Nuplex Max helps to produce more flowers and fruits, increases fruit firmness and increases shelf life of fruits.

4. Nuplex Max contributes to the production of hormones necessary for crop growth, making sugars and carbohydrates and supplying them to all parts of the plant to produce a large number of branches and flowers.

5.  The presence of magnesium (Filler) in Nuplex Max plays an important role in leafy green production by assisting in photosynthesis, greening of leaves, starches and Increases protein production
Nuplex Max ensures qualitative improvements in the plants, reduces flower and fruit drop, improves disease resistivity, and increases crop yield. 

                         Crops:  Paddy, Citrus, Cotton, Chilli, Vegetables, Various Field and Horticultural Crops and All Kinds of Crops.


Use 2.5-3.5 grams per liter of water as a foliar spray and apply 1 kg per acre through drip irrigation."  

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1.Nuplex Suphal Combi is a fiquid Micro nutrient fertilizers. It contains zinc, iron, manganese ,Copper, Molybdenum and boron.     

2.Nuplex Suphal Combi plays a prominent role in stimulating the physical and biochemical activities of plants, regulating metabolism, and achieving high-quality yields..

3. Nuplex Suphal Combi formulated with chelation method, so nutrients are quickly absorbed by plants.

4. Nuplex Suphal Combi quickly corrects micro nutrient deficiencies and provides adequate amounts of required nutrients throughout the cropping period.

5.  Nuplex Suphal Combi enhances flowering and fruiting

6.Nuplex Suphal Combi helps to produce more flowers and fruits, increases fruit firmness and increases shelf life of fruits.

7.Nuplex Suphal Combi contributes to the production of hormones necessary for crop growth, making sugars and carbohydrates and supplying them to all parts of the plant to produce a high number of branches and flower. 

                       Crops:Paddy, Citrus, Cotton, Chilli, Vegetables, Various Field and Horticultural Crops and All Kinds of Crops.

Method of Use​

Gently dissolve 2.5 ml Suphal Combi in 1 Ltr of water spray on crop The 1st spray recommended at 10 days after flower initiation. 2nd spray after fruit setting. 3rd spray at fruit formation stage.  Use a foliar spray solution of 2.5 ml per 1 liter of water, and apply 1 liter per acre via drip irrigation.

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1.Nuplex Suphal 789 is a blend of micro nutrients. It contains zinc, iron, manganese, molybdenum, boran, copper, along with magnesium and sulphur, it can be used in all types of crops and can be used in combination with all types of fertilizers.     

2.Nuplex Suphal 789 quickly corrects micronutrient deficiencies and supplies the entire crop with adequate amounts of required nutrients.

3. Nuplex Suphal 789 helps to produce more flowers and fruits, increases fruit firmness and increases shelf life of fruits.

4.Nuplex Suphal 789 contributes to the production of hormones necessary for crop growth, making sugars and carbohydrates and supplying them to all parts of the plant to produce a large number of branches and flowers.

                         Crops:  Paddy, Citrus, Cotton, Chilli, Vegetables, Various Field and Horticultural Crops and All Kinds of Crops.


Apply a foliar spray using 1-2 grams per liter of water, and use 250 grams of fertilizer per acre for drip irrigation 

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