for initial vegetative growth period
bud bursting and rejuvenation of vegetative growth.
suitable for all crops
gives crop early boost
- Makes the crops Healthy,
- Since namely seedling stage, vegetative stage, reproductive stage and ripeningstage, rejuvenates the vegetative and reproductive parts which are infected by pests & diseases.
- Recommended Crops :
Chilli, Cotton, Sugarcane, Paddy, Wheat, Maize, Sunflower, Okra, Brinjal, Peas, Tomato, Potato, Grapes, Citrus, Mango, Banana, Water Melon, Musk Melon, Onion, Groundnuts, Pulses, Rose, Chrysanthemum, Jasmin, Gerbera, Carnation, Tea, Coffee, Cardamom, Cashewnut, Soyabean and other Field Plantation and Horticultural Crops. - Dosage and Usage Instructions :
Drip Irrigation as per schedule and use accordingly demand of crop.
Foliar -0.5-1.5% concentration solution (5 gm of per Ltr of water) spray uniformly over the crop and repeat the spray as and when deficiency symptoms appear on the crop.