- Water Soluble Fertilizer For Crop Nutrition
- Benefits : Increase plant strength and builds resistance to winter kill, drying, insect attack, spray damage, disease and cold.
- Nuplex Mag-Potash provides an adequate suppply of S for healthy crop production.
- Because it's in the sulphate form, it aids initial root growth important in rapidly growing crops - and promotes seed production and vigorous plant growth.
- Potassium is essential for high quality fruit, Magnesium is required for the synthesis of cholophyll and Sulphur is needed for enzyme activation.
- Dosage :
- Foliar Spray - 3 to 5gm of per 1 ltr of water
- Drip Irrigation -1 kg per 1 ltr of water
- Vegetables (Green House) : 200 - 250gm /100L of water (Spray every 15 days)
- Vegetables (Open Field) : 500-600gm /100L of water (Spray every 15 days)
- Fruit Trees: 2 to 3kg /Acere (Spray every 10 days)
- Cereal Crops : 2 to 3kg /Acere (Spray every 10 days)
- Ornamental Plants & Shurbs : 400 to 500gm /100 l of water(Spray every 15 days)